The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?

As I sat down to write this article, I thought about my own journey with blood sugar. For years, I had energy crashes, mood swings, and a constant craving for sweets. These were signs of blood sugar issues. Then, I found Jessie Inchauspé, a French biochemist, and her new way to control glucose levels. Her methods changed my life. The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?

Inchauspé has become a big name in health and wellness. She says we can improve our health by managing our glucose levels. This can lead to better mental focus, heart health, weight control, and even prevent diseases like diabetes. But, is her advice supported by science? And is it good for everyone? We’ll look into this in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • The Glucose Goddess, Jessie Inchauspé, has gained a massive following for her claims that micromanaging glucose levels can provide significant health benefits.
  • Inchauspé’s method emphasizes eating foods in a specific order to prevent blood sugar spikes, but the relevance of this approach for the general population remains questionable.
  • While consuming fiber and protein before carbs may lead to a smaller rise in blood sugar, experts caution that occasional glucose spikes are not necessarily concerning in healthy individuals.
  • The alarmist messaging around glucose spikes by the Glucose Goddess might not be entirely evidence-based, and more research is needed to support her claims.
  • Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is crucial for managing blood sugar levels and preventing chronic conditions like diabetes.

A ethereal goddess surrounded by swirling, colorful representations of glucose and natural foods, standing atop a vibrant, balanced plate of fruits and vegetables, radiant light illuminating her figure, flowing robes made of leaves and vines, embodying health and vitality in a lush, dreamlike setting.

Who is the Glucose Goddess?

Jessie Inchauspé is a French biochemist who has become a key figure in glucose management. She has over 3.3 million followers on Instagram, earning her the nickname “Glucose Goddess.” Her success comes from making complex science easy to understand and fun to watch.

She shares her knowledge on managing glucose in a way everyone can get. This has made her very popular.

Background on Jessie Inchauspé and her rise to popularity

Jessie Inchauspé started her journey as a health influencer by sharing her own story. As a biochemist, she studied how diet and lifestyle affect blood sugar. She then shared her findings online, attracting many who wanted to manage their glucose levels better.

Her success comes from explaining tough science in simple terms. She wrote two bestsellers: “Glucose Revolution” and “The Glucose Goddess Method.” These books share her tips and tricks for controlling blood sugar.

A bright, modern kitchen filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, a confident woman experimenting with colorful dishes, surrounded by scientific charts about glucose levels, soft natural lighting highlighting her focused expression, stylish attire reflecting a health-conscious lifestyle, intricate kitchen gadgets in the background.

Thanks to her work, Jessie Inchauspé is now a leading voice in health and wellness. Her advice and unique view on glucose management have helped many improve their health.

The Glucose Goddess and the Blood Sugar Craze

Jessie Inchauspé, known as the Glucose Goddess, has become a key voice in the health world. She makes complex glucose research easy to understand for health influencers. Her work focuses on the importance of managing blood sugar for better health.

Some experts support Inchauspé for spreading the word about glucose management. Yet, others worry about the accuracy of her advice. They fear it might lead healthy people to worry too much about their blood sugar.

About 38 million American adults have type 2 diabetes, and 98 million have prediabetes. Sadly, 80% don’t know they have it. The Glucose Goddess has become popular at a time when more people are interested in managing their blood sugar.

Now, companies like offer glucose monitoring for more people, not just those with diabetes. This shows how more people want to understand and control their blood sugar levels.

Registered dietitians express concerns regarding unnecessary use of glucose monitors and vinegar intake for blood sugar management in individuals without diabetes.”

Experts suggest a balanced way to manage blood sugar. This includes eating less sugar, eating more fruits and veggies, choosing whole grains, and cutting down on sweets. The Glucose Goddess suggests using vinegar before meals and fasting, which gets mixed reviews from doctors.

The blood sugar trend is big, but it’s important to know the facts before trying new things. The Glucose Goddess has shown people want easy, science-backed ways to stay healthy. But, it’s key to talk to doctors before trying new diets or supplements to keep your blood sugar in check.

What is Glucose and Why Does it Matter?

Glucose, also known as blood sugar, is a key energy source for the body’s cells and organs. When we eat, our food gets turned into glucose. This glucose then goes into our bloodstream. The pancreas and insulin help keep our blood glucose levels healthy.

Understanding the Role of Glucose in the Body

For people without diabetes, blood glucose levels go up after we eat and then come back down. This is because insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps our cells use glucose for energy. This way, our cells and organs get the fuel they need to work right.

Difference Between Normal and Diabetic Glucose Levels

But for people with diabetes, the body can’t make or use insulin well. This means blood glucose levels stay high. High glucose levels can lead to serious health problems, like Type 2 diabetesPCOSdementia, and heart disease.

Knowing how glucose works in the body and the differences in levels is key to staying healthy.

Impact of Glucose Levels on Health

High blood glucose levels can harm our health in the short and long term. They can cause dehydration, fatigue, and brain fog. Over time, the risks get much worse.

Short-term Effects of High Glucose Levels

Eating a lot of fruit can make blood sugar levels jump. This can lead to dehydration, feeling tired, and a foggy mind. To avoid this, eating veggies and starches in equal amounts is best.

Long-term Risks of Chronic High Glucose Levels

High blood sugar over time can harm the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. For people with diabetes, keeping blood sugar in check is key. This can prevent blindness, kidney disease, and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

For those without diabetes, high blood sugar is still bad. It’s important to avoid it to stay healthy.

Startups like NutriSense and Signos offer CGM tech for non-diabetics starting at $100 a month. This lets them keep an eye on their glucose levels. Test strips cost about $0.30 each or $35 for 100 without insurance, making it easier for people to monitor their glucose.

The Glucose Goddess ‘Hacks’

Eating Food in the ‘Proper’ Order

Jessie Inchauspé, known as the glucose goddess, has become popular for her tips on managing blood sugar. She suggests eating foods in a specific order. This includes fiber, protein, and fat before carbohydrates. She believes fiber in veggies can slow down sugar absorption into the blood.

Some people might see a smaller increase in blood sugar by eating this way. But, experts worry it could be too strict or lead to unhealthy eating habits. There’s not much proof these “hacks” work well for people without diabetes. They might not be needed for those without a glucose-related condition.

Critiques and Concerns about the ‘Hacks’

Inchauspé claims her methods can “reverse PCOS,” which is not scientifically possible. While avoiding sudden spikes in glucose might be good, there’s no solid proof it helps with PCOS or fatty liver disease. The medical community is skeptical.

Experts like Dr. Karl Nadolsky worry about the risks of keeping glucose levels too low. This could be harmful for people without diabetes. They think focusing too much on glucose levels might not be right for everyone.

Percentage of Americans with Glucose Problems88%
Glucose Spike Above 7.8 mmol/L after Consuming Cornflakes and Milk16 out of 20 people
Glucose Spike Above 11.0 mmol/LIndicating the range of type 2 diabetes
Reduction in Glucose Spikes by Consuming Vinegar Before Meals73%
Weight Loss Difference for Those Consuming Vinegar Before MealsTwice the amount compared to those who didn’t

The glucose goddess hacks might help some people, but their effectiveness and safety for everyone are still debated. It’s important to talk to health experts to find the best way to manage glucose levels and stay healthy.

Managing Glucose with Diet and Lifestyle

Keeping glucose levels healthy is key for good health. A balanced approach that includes diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes is best. The Glucose Goddess’ tips are popular, but experts say a full strategy is needed for the best results.

Foods that Promote Healthy Glucose Levels

Eating whole, minimally processed foods helps keep glucose levels healthy. Focus on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods give you steady energy and prevent the ups and downs from sugary foods.

Combining carbs with protein and healthy fats helps control glucose levels. Adding fiber-rich foods, supplements like cinnamon and magnesium, and strategic meal times also helps manage glucose.

The Glucose Goddess – Should You Use Her ‘Hacks’?

If you don’t have a glucose condition, the Glucose Goddess’ tips might help. But, use them with care and as part of a healthy lifestyle, not just for glucose control. Eating well, staying active, and managing stress is better for glucose and health.

Managing glucose means finding what works for you. Eat foods full of nutrients, exercise regularly, and look at your lifestyle. This way, you can keep your glucose levels healthy and support your overall health.

The Science Behind the Glucose Goddess Claims

Jessie Inchauspé, known as the ‘Glucose Goddess,’ has gained a big following online. She talks about the need to control glucose levels and shares her “hacks” for doing so. But, experts are debating the science behind her advice.

Studies show high blood glucose levels can be bad for health. But, what happens when healthy people’s glucose levels go up and down is not as clear. Inchauspé uses studies to back her claims, but some experts question the quality and how they apply to regular people.

Inchauspé says her methods can fix conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). But, this is not what science agrees on. Managing glucose and PCOS is complex. We need more studies to see if the Glucose Goddess’ tips help with this condition.

Approximately 1 billion people worldwide have type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, prediabetes, or another form of diabetes.Shows how common glucose-related health issues are. This makes managing glucose levels very important.
Glucose spikes increase the risk of heart disease in people without diabetes.Indicates that keeping glucose levels stable could help more people than just those with diabetes.
Balancing glucose levels can help reduce cravings, fatigue, and other health issues for individuals without type 2 diabetes.Supports the idea that the Glucose Goddess’ tips could help a broader audience, not just those with diabetes.

The science on the Glucose Goddess’ claims is still growing. We need a closer look at the evidence to see if her advice on managing glucose is valid. Always talk to health experts and think about what’s best for you before trying new health tips.

Experts’ Opinions on the Glucose Goddess

The Glucose Goddess has gotten mixed reviews from health experts. Some, like Dr. Sun Kim at Stanford University, support Jessie Inchauspé’s work. They see her efforts to highlight diet’s role in health as valuable. But, others, like dietitian Abby Langer, worry about the accuracy of her claims and the risks of focusing too much on glucose levels.

Supporters and Endorsers

Dr. Sun Kim praises the Glucose Goddess for focusing on diet and blood sugar. She says Jessie Inchauspé has helped many people see how food affects their health. Some health pros see her ‘hacks’ as useful for better glucose management through diet.

Critics and Skeptics

Dr. Karl Nadolsky doubts the science behind Inchauspé’s advice. He thinks focusing on glucose for non-diabetics might be bad. Registered dietitian Abby Langer also worries, saying some of the Glucose Goddess’ claims are not supported and could cause worry about blood sugar levels.

Experts are looking closely at Jessie Inchauspé’s claims. They question her methods and some of what she says. Health pros stress the need for careful advice, especially for those with diabetes.

“Jessie’s [Inchauspé] focus on the role of diet in managing blood sugar levels is commendable. She has helped many people understand the connection between food choices and overall well-being.”
– Dr. Sun Kim, Endocrinologist at Stanford University

While the Glucose Goddess inspires some, many experts say her claims aren’t backed by science. As the debate goes on, health experts push for a balanced, evidence-based way to manage blood sugar and health.

Supplements and Products from the Glucose Goddess

Jessie Inchauspé, the Glucose Goddess, has won over fans with her books and online presence. She has also introduced her own line of glucose goddess supplements and glucose goddess products. Her “Anti-Spike” supplement aims to cut down post-meal blood sugar spikes by up to 40%.

The “Anti-Spike” supplement costs $65 for pre-orders and will hit the market in May 2024. But, healthcare experts have raised doubts about it. Registered dietitian Abby Langer points out it hasn’t been tested scientifically. Inchauspé believes the ingredients are safe and effective, even without full testing.

This supplement mixes four key ingredients: white mulberry leaf, lemon and cinnamon extracts, and “Glucose Goddess Antioxidants.” Studies on white mulberry leaf for diabetes show mixed results, involving small groups. Cinnamon research also has varied outcomes, with no clear advice on how much to take for best results.

The launch of these anti-spike supplements has sparked worries. Some think the Glucose Goddess might be making money off her fame, not just helping people manage glucose. Critics like François Jornayvaz argue there’s no proof for the Glucose Goddess’s claims.

With the Glucose Goddess’s fame on the rise, it’s key for buyers to be cautious. They should look to health experts for advice on managing their glucose. While the “Anti-Spike” supplement’s ingredients might help, its overall safety and effectiveness are still uncertain.

Balanced Perspective on Glucose Management

The Glucose Goddess’ method has caught a lot of attention. But, healthcare experts say we need a balanced view on glucose management. High blood sugar can be bad, especially for people with diabetes. But for healthy folks, the effect of small changes in sugar levels isn’t well understood.

Experts suggest a balanced approach to glucose management. This means eating foods that are whole and not too processed, staying active, and managing stress. It’s important to avoid glucose obsession. Worrying too much about sugar levels can be harmful, especially if you don’t have a sugar-related condition.

Healthcare pros recommend evidence-based glucose management strategies. These focus on long-term health and lifestyle changes, not quick fixes. By taking a holistic view, people can keep their sugar levels in check and stay healthy without the downsides of focusing too much on sugar.

Healthy Glucose RangeFactors Affecting Glucose Levels
Fasting blood sugar: 70-110 mg/dL
Post-meal blood sugar: Up to 140 mg/dL
Diet (particularly foods with high glycemic index)Physical activity Stress Medications (for those with diabetes)

Keeping a balanced view and using evidence-based glucose management strategies helps people stay healthy. The main idea is to focus on overall well-being. This means eating right, exercising regularly, and managing stress.


The Glucose Goddess has made a big splash with her tips for managing blood sugar. While her ideas have some value, we need to look closely at what she says. Experts say a balanced diet, exercise, and managing stress are key, not just following “hacks” or using untested supplements.

For people without diabetes, the Glucose Goddess’s methods might not be the best choice. It’s important to find a balanced way to manage glucose levels for good health. We should look at the science and think about what’s best for each person.

The Glucose Goddess has started an important talk about managing glucose levels. But we should focus on a whole, personal approach to stay healthy and well.


Who is the Glucose Goddess?

The Glucose Goddess, also known as Jessie Inchauspé, is a French biochemist. She has gained a big following on Instagram. She has also written bestselling books on “hacks” and recipes to prevent blood sugar spikes. The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?

What are the Glucose Goddess’s “hacks” for managing blood sugar levels?

The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?. The Glucose Goddess suggests eating foods in a specific order to manage blood glucose levels. She recommends eating fiber, protein, and fat before carbohydrates. This approach aims to slow down sugar absorption into the bloodstream.

What are the potential benefits and concerns with the Glucose Goddess’s recommendations?

The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?. Experts say a balanced, evidence-based approach is best for managing glucose levels. While some appreciate Inchauspé’s efforts to raise awareness, others worry about the accuracy of her claims. They also fear it might lead healthy people to obsess over their glucose levels.

Is there scientific evidence to support the Glucose Goddess’s claims?

Inchauspé cites research to back up her claims on glucose control and her “hacks.” But, some experts question the quality and relevance of this research for the general public. The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?

What do healthcare professionals recommend for managing glucose levels?

The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?. Healthcare experts recommend a balanced, evidence-based view on glucose management. They suggest a healthy diet, regular exercise, and managing stress. These are key for keeping glucose levels in check and overall health.

What are the potential issues with the Glucose Goddess’s supplements and products?

The Glucose Goddess has launched a supplement line, including “Anti-Spike.” Critics argue that this product lacks clinical testing and its effectiveness is unproven. The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?

Should you try the Glucose Goddess’s “hacks”?

The Glucose Goddess: Are Her ‘Hacks’ Worth Trying?. For those without a diagnosed glucose issue, the Glucose Goddess’s approach might not be worth the risk. It’s better to focus on a balanced and realistic approach to glucose management for overall health.

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